

Rosemary Wilkinson

Rosemary Wilkinson

"I always knew I wanted to help people with my hands and God led me straight to massage therapy"

Rosemary H. Wilkinson, LMT attended and graduated from Moore Career College In Baton Rouge, LA. Her massage therapy experience first began under the teaching of world renoun therapist Kathie Lea, LMT.  Once graduated she immediately began work at the number one rated spa and salon in her area. Her dream never stopped there....while enrolled in school she began the process of learning the ins and outs of the massage therapy world and knew she would open her own practice. "Rose" as affectionately known by her peers has a very strong passion for massage therapy and people in general. Rose  always uses the motto..."With God I hope to change the world one life at a time by completing one massage at a time".


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